The Curriculum

In Foundation Stage, the curriculum is based on a document called ‘Development Matters’ and pupils achievement is
assessed at the end of the school year against specific Areas of Learning.
In Years 1-6, the National Curriculum (revised version implemented in September 2014) is taught throughout the
school and covers the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Computing
  • Design Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Modern Foreign Language (MFL)
  • Music
  • Art
  • PSHE
  • Religious Education

All subjects are taught to every year group, except MFL which is taught in our Key Stage 2 classes; the current language of choice is French. Other year groups may access less formalized language learning opportunities via topic work.

The school’s Creative Curriculum approach means that the national curriculum subjects are not always taught discretely; whilst English and Maths are studied very much as separate subjects, other areas of the curriculum are integrated, where possible into half-termly or termly topics. Computing has become and continues to be integral to our teaching, whether it is being taught as a discrete unit or whether it is being used to enhance or facilitate learning.

Sport plays an important part in our school through:

  • The programme of lessons built into our Physical Education scheme of work. Each class has two hours of PE per week. In Key Stage 2, pupils have a block of swimming lessons for at least a term
  • Extra-curricular activities, of which the school offers a wide range

The school keeps up to date with the range of sporting opportunities available in the local area by working in partnership with parents, coaches, local sports clubs, local school sports associations and other networks.